Monday, October 31, 2011

First Post

Hello!!! Welcome to Our Blog!!! This is our space, the place to talk about what's happening in class; to ask a question you didn't get a chance to ask in class; to get copies of a handout you didn't get in class (the course syllabus is below); for parents to find out "How Was School Today;" to share your knowledge with other students. Most importantly it's a place to reflect on what we're learning.

A big part of Learning and Remembering involves working with and discussing new ideas with other people -- THIS is the place to do just that. Use the comment feature below each post, or make your own post, contribute to the conversation and lets get down to some serious blogging!


Course:            Algebra 2
Year:                2011-2012
Teacher:           Sheila I. Mejias-Shavers
Room:              K-100
Phone:              405-587-2315


Algebra 2 is a program to teach the mathematical concepts and methods that the students need to know in order to meet high curriculum standards and succeed on states required tests.  We will explore number systems and algebraic operations that involve real and complex numbers.  Perform applications for data analysis, statistics, probability, functions and relations. 


The Oklahoma State Department of Education has specific PASS (Priority Academic Student Skills) Objectives for Algebra 2.  These PASS Objectives will be tested by the EOI (End of Instruction Test) in the Spring 2012.  The objectives are listed below by quarter.

1. Perform operations and simplify expressions involving real numbers.
2. Convert radical notation to rational exponents and vice versa.
3. Operations with radical expressions and radical exponents.
4. Divide polynomial expressions by lower degree of polynomials.
5. Perform operations and simplify expressions involving complex numbers.
6. Perform operations on functions using function notation and composition of functions.
7. Domain and range of functions.
1. Model system of equations or inequalities and solve systems of equations or inequalities.
2. Identify polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic parent functions: predict effects of transformation.
3. Solve quadratic functions: identify x and y intercepts, relative max and min.
4. Use a quadratic model to model a situation.
5. Solve polynomial equations/synthetic division.
6. Sketch graphs of polynomial functions.
7. Identify x and y intercepts, relative maximum & minimum of polynomial functions.
8. Use polynomial functions to model situations.

1.  Perform operations on rational expressions including complex fractions.
2. Solve rational equations (testing limited to monomial denominators).
3. Determine & graph the inverse of a function.
4. Graph exponential & logarithmic functions and apply inverse relationship of exponential & logarithmic functions.
5. Use exponential of logarithmic functions to model & explain situations.
6. Sketch the graph of a rational function and identify x and y intercepts & vertical asymptotes of a rational function.
7. Use a rational function to model & explain situations.
8. Display data on a scatter plot and interpret results using a linear, exponential or quadratic model or equation.
1. Identify whether the model or equation is a curve of best fit.
2. Identify, graph, and write equations of conic sections (do not write ellipse and hyperbola equations).
3. Identify and use arithmetic & geometric sequences & series.
4. Use linear & quadratic equations to solve application problems.
5. Use measures of central tendency & use appropriate measures of variability to analyze data.
6. Use characteristic of Guassian normal distribution and identify how outliners affect representation of data.


The school provides calculators, tools and textbook.  The student is responsible for taking good care of the tools we use in the classroom.  Students should have a notebook (or binder with papers) and pencils. 


1. Absences/Makeup work:  When you return from an absence, you are responsible for the following:
  • Turning in any homework that was due the day(s) of your absence(s).
  • Reading the textbook section or notes taken or other material that was used as a resource during your absence(s).
  • Getting the homework assignment(s) you missed and updating your class notebook.
  • Turning in your make-up work
According to school and district policy, work, including tests, must be made up within five (5) school days of the absence.  Failure to make up work with the regular teacher within the allotted five (5) days will result in the students receiving “NG” (No Grade).

2. Special projects: We will be using projects to explore extended problems that are relevant to us and have real-world connections.  For every project I assign, I will provide a scoring rubric that identifies and explains the important components of each project.

3. Classroom rules/expectations:
  1. Be Polite: be respectful of teacher and classmates.
  2. Be Prompt: be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings
  3. Be Productive: use your time efficiently from bell-to-bell and put forth 100% effort
  4. Be Prepared: arrive with all classroom materials and assignments.
  5. Participate: engage in all classroom activities with a positive attitude.
  • Dress code set forth by US Grant High School
  • Bathroom pass – once a month with school ID
  • Don’t cheat
  • If a student violates the class rules a warning (or conference) will be given, student will have detention, parents will be called and/or the student will receive an office referral.
  • No food/drinks/candy
  • No cell phone/electronic devices
  • Ask questions
  • No sleeping

4. Grading Policy
Grade distribution: Quarter grades will be calculated as follows:
  • Tests 43%
  • Quiz 15%
  • Final 12%
  • Practice work (daily, homework) 20%
  • Projects 10%
The letter grading system is as follows:
  • 100-90% - A
  • 89-80% - B
  • 79-70% - C
  • 69-60% - D
  • 59% and below - F

5. Extra help
Get extra help when you need it.  I will be available for tutoring after school. I will be happy to arrange it for anyone who requests it or when assigned.
Please cut and return this part to your teacher:

Algebra 2 – TB _______         Date:____________________

I certify that I received and read the Algebra 1 syllabus and agree with its content and commit to do what it is required of me in order to be a successful student.

Student’s Name:________________________________________________

Student’s signature:_____________________________________________

Parent’s or Guardian signature:__________________________________

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